
Generic Linked list Management Library in C

What is libllist?

libllist is an open source generic implementation of singly linked list in c. The implementation is straight forward and well-tested. The library can be easily built as a shared library or as a static library, so it can easily fit various types of projects

What do I need to compile it?

libllist is build around a standard gnu make. Here's an example on how to download and use it:

$ git clone
$ make
$ sudo make install

OK, how do I use it ?

libllist code is documented using doxygen, you can check out the documentation right here.

There's an example usage page currently under development, it will be uploaded very soon

I made some changes, how do I test them ?

libllist is open source, I encourage you to extend it and improve it in anyway you like. libllist uses check, a unit testing library for testing. libllist also contains test suits which contains different scenarios. you can use them to do regression testing if you change one of the core functionality implementation of the library.

As mentioned above, check library is required for testing, you can get it here

$ make runtest
Invoking Test:
Running suite(s): Lib linked list tester
100%: Checks: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
tests/test.c:51:P:Core:llist_01_create_delete_lists:0: Passed
tests/test.c:93:P:Core:llist_02_add_nodes:0: Passed
tests/test.c:133:P:Core:llist_03_add_dynamic_nodes:0: Passed
tests/test.c:208:P:Core:llist_04_delete_nodes:0: Passed
tests/test.c:238:P:Core:llist_05_list_for_each:0: Passed
tests/test.c:316:P:Core:llist_06_insert_nodes:0: Passed
tests/test.c:352:P:Core:llist_07_test_stack:0: Passed
Test Coverage:
File 'src/llist.c'
Lines executed:83.33% of 192
Creating 'llist.c.gcov'

libllist also uses gcov to ensure maximum code coverage in testing, after testing the code, you can inspect the file llist.c.gcov to see the coverage